I’ve been tagged by Katy.
The instructions are to go to where you keep your photo’s on your PC, choose the 6th folder, then the 6th picture…..post on your blog and explain.
Well here is my pic…
It was taken before Christmas in Shanti, my friends’ local indian restaurant. It’s become a bit of a tradition that me, Lucy & John go there whenever I visit. Inevitably there’s lots of wine drank but there’s always lots of laughter too.
Thanks for this tag Katy. It’s really made me smile … if a little sad because I really miss John & Lucy now that I’m in Ireland but I’m looking forward to going to visit in March … and especially looking forward to a trip to Shanti!!
I’m afraid I’m short on time now and will have to get back to whom I’m going to tag! In the meantime, leave me a comment if you want to join in, the more the merrier!
Hope you’re all having a great weekend.