But after a lovely cup of coffee and delicious Eggs Benedict at Browns I was ready to go :o)
Unfortunately there were a lot of stands from last year missing and I was a little disappointed. My fav stands on the day were Lola Rose, This is Knit, Rubanesque, , Sew Good Books, and M Rosenberg & Son.
Here’s what I bought. I know … I was remarkably restrained, especially compared to last year!
Beautiful red italian wool & polka dot cotton lawn from M Rosenberg & Son (F9)
and finally got to bed after 11 :o)
Note to self for next year :-
Wear even less – it was ROASTING in there
Stay over in Dublin – it was a really long day
Bring or buy a wheelie bag/case, especially if buying books
Print out plan on net beforehand, they were charging 3 euro for it
Book tickets in advance (cheaper)
Be prepared for lots of pushing and shoving!