In hindsight I should have folded this in the other direction and have yet to stitch it.
Upholstery for beginners (more like fakers)
There I was, filling a half hour in town before meeting a friend for coffee, it’s all her fault! Or maybe I should be thanking her? I wandered into one of my favourite shops Frances’ Finishing Touches and the second I saw this fabric I just had to have it. I had no idea whatsoever what I was going to make with it I just wanted. You know what it’s like. I know I’m not alone here :O)
So I go for coffee, catch up with my friend and a couple of hours later I get home. I have orders to complete and invoices to send out (priorities) but I look straight at my beloved red chair and have a eureka moment …
I drop my bags and drape the fabric over it and know there and then that’s what I’m going to do. Cover the chair.
Hmm …. not something I’ve really done before but then I remember the lovely Sarah Moore (check out Sarah’s fab site here) covering a sofa on The Great Interior Design Challenge TV show and think I can do that ! :O) So off I go in search of the staple gun ……
20 minutes later … I kid you not!
Despite that I’m pretty darn pleased with how it came out.
So there you go.
Not bad for a purchase on a whim.
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