I know – I can almost hear some of you screaming at your computer screen !!
But it’s only 109 days away!
Yes I count …
In fact I started my countdown on 26th December 2010.
Yes I’m being serious.
I digress.
Sorry my posts have been rather slim of late. I have been busy working behind the scenes on proposals, my first advert (whoooppeee) and delivering some IT training.
Now that college is over michellemadethis is my baby – my business!
In between all of that I have been doing a lot of DIY in the cottage making room for my impending workshops (schedule will be up on michellemadethis.com shortly) and squeezing in some homemade Christmas presents.
Amongst the presents are lots of lovely pink rose scented tea cup candles. Not sure if they are presents for others or presents for me :o)