I hate to admit it but I think our summer may just have been and gone :o( There are some who say it will be back in August but I’ve been hearing that for the last few years so I can’t help but doubt it. But every cloud has a silver lining and mine is that I’m back knitting.
I got this lovely scarf last year in the charity shop for a euro, purely for the wool. I finally got round to ripping it up, before checking the lable … oops it was a rather good make .. Gant. Oh well I’ve started knitting it up into a bag. Yep, another knitted bag!!
I have no pattern, I’m just winging it. I want to make one of those square bags with a handle like a button hole … surely it can’t be that hard??
So far it looks like this.
(By the way, the table cloth in the background – only 50p from a car boot the last time I was in London – love it !).
Right I better get it finished as I’m meeting up with the Cast Offs tomorrow for our weekly knitting group.
Before I forget, thank you so much for all your well wishes. I’m happy to say I’m feeling much better now and have lots to share with you over the next week!