No this is not me announcing my love of knitting, although love knitting I do. But more a little shout out to a lovely website where you can shop for all things knitty in one place.
It’s was set up by a group of peeps in London (oh how I miss you London) last April. I know it’s taken me this long to tell you all about it !!
It’s a lovely site, so clean and easy to use (well I think it is). But not only that the feel of the company is nice too. Take a look at their values listed on their site.
I have to say each time I receive an email from them I certainly do have a smile on my face so high five guys (not sure where that came from!?) you are certainly sticking to your values.
So I digress (you should be used to me by now). The site. Not only is it packed full of yarns and needles but there ares ome lovely buttons too. I just LOVE these wooden heart buttons, oh sew cute!
On the subject of buttons I love how there are different options to search on the site. See … you can search by type, material, size and (ooooh smiling !!) colour. I just love the cute little button graphics. Come on your smiling too … aren’t you?
Can you feel a theme coming on here? Maybe I should have kept this post for Valentines. OMG LoveKnitting guys you can do up Valentine Knitting kits – so much better than a bunch of roses – a bunch of red heart knitting needles swit swoooooooo what better way to say I love you. Am I brilliant or am I brilliant?
As with the buttons I love the search options. Here for patterns you can search by designer, yarn weight etc etc
and the same for yarn – including … oh yeah here comes another smile …. cute little balls of yarn graphics …
Ok I get that your cheeks are sore from smiling but if they are not and you feel like smiling some more get yourself over the No I don’t work for them and nor am I getting paid to write this I just think when you find somewhere nice to shop it’s nice to share that info :O)
Keeeeep smiling and Keeeeeeeep Stitching!
M x