In between re-arranging my furniture (a full-time hobby of mine) and cleaning up my garden for my BBQ next weekend I decided that it was time to make some cards after being caught out a couple of times in the past few weeks with no cards to give. As I had so much to do I decided to give myself one hour only to make the cards and limited myself to a pad of free papers and ribbons I got from a magazine a few months back, some blank cards and string. The reason for the limit in time and materials is because if I didn’t do that I would have been there all day and got nothing else done and made yet another mess to tidy up. It worked so well I think I might just do that all the time as I’m quite pleased with the results. It’s amazing what you can do with a few bits of paper, string and imagination. I now have a selection of cards to see me through hopefully a few months at least. Here are some pics …