Now that I have my new laptop I am finally catching up on long overdue blog posts, tutorials and all that behind the scenes stuff.
While I was away google reader disappeared and bloglovin seems to be the new way to follow blogs so I’ve jumped aboard the bloglovin train.
If you fancy joining me and giving my blog some lovin … please do
you can do so by clicking on the link below
If you’re starting to panic and think Oh No something else to learn please don’t. It’s very simple.
All you do is log into the bloglovin site and click on the join bloglovin button.
Then you will be sent a password.
Once you have that you follow the link in the email and claim your blog (if you have one, you don’t have to have a blog to follow blogs)
To claim your blog you click to the right of the blue circle with the white heart and choose My Blog then click on the button CLAIM BLOG
All you do then is type in the full url of your blog and press the Search button
Once you find your blog you click on that and you will be given a code to copy into your next blogpost.
That’s it, you’re then set up on bloglovin and you can start lovin lots of blogs
It’s just so lovin awesome :O)
See you there!